Writing a novel is hard work. In the old days of publishing editors worked with writers, helping them through revisions and rewrites until that book was the best it could be.
Today’s publishing houses don’t have enough staff to provide that kind of mentorship to their authors. These days a submitted manuscript needs to be publish ready.
Going it alone is hard. It can be scary, intimidating, and frustrating. Friends and family often give positive feedback out of kindness, unable to articulate story structure issues, or plot holes.
Critique groups can be great, or they can be… well, critical and hurtful. Books, videos, conferences, and workshops are fantastic, but sometimes all that information can be conflicting, overwhelming, and difficult to apply to your own work.
A book coach is your personal trainer, mentor, and project manager through the process. A coach can help you see the big picture, provide support and encouragement, but you will have to work hard. With deadlines and tough love, a book coach will give you the tools you need to move forward on your own.
This process won’t be easy, and you will need to invest your time, energy, and money to make this happen. For each of the coaching packages, you will be given an assignment with an agreed upon deadline. You turn in the work and a few days later it will be returned to you with comments and suggestions. A certain number of Zoom calls will be scheduled for any questions or concerns you have about your project and any comments made on the work.
As your coach I can support you through the process so you can write the book of your heart and make it the best it can be.
I specialize in:
- Historical Fiction
- Westerns
Package 1 Foundation For A Novel
This package incorporates techniques for crafting a story learned from both personal experience and course work included in the Author Accelerator certification program, specifically the Inside Outline and Blueprint for a Story. This foundation package includes four sections, with deadlines for each section. I will provide feedback on each submission of work, two, one-hour phone calls to answer any questions you may have on the feedback and a written page of suggestions to help you move forward.
Price: $300.00 (USD)
Package 2 Manuscript Evaluation
You’ve completed your novel, but is it ready for publication?
With a manuscript evaluation you will be given two thorough read throughs of your work, with suggestions regarding foundational story elements, such as plot, story and character arcs, conflict, tension, point-of-view, and pacing. I’ll let you know what’s working and what isn’t working. This does not include any editing, such as spelling, grammar and punctuation.
Instead, you will receive comments in the sidebar of your manuscript, an evaluation with suggestions for moving forward, and a one-hour phone call to answer any questions you may have regarding the feedback.
Price:$5.00 (USD) per standard manuscript page
Package 3 Write Your Novel
With this package I will coach you through the first draft or a revision of your novel. This package requires completion of the Foundation for A Novel before starting. Exceptions will be made on a case-by-case basis.
We will work through your novel together. Each deadline will require a certain amount of work be submitted for review and feedback. I may ask for new pages, a rewrite of previous pages, a scene or, ask you to write a character sketch. Each step requires that you meet a deadline and in turn I will return your work with comments within a certain number of days. There will be two, one-hour phone calls each month to discuss the feedback and any concerns you may have.This 12-week package must be completed within 4 months.
Minimum 3 months required.
Price:$1200.00 (USD) for 3 months. Each additional month 425.00 (USD)
If you have further questions, feel free to shoot me an email here.
If you are interested, but unsure if this is right for you, let me know and I send you some questions which will help me understand where you are in your writing process andwhether or notI would be the best coach to fit your needs. Email here |